Sporting Goods

The sporting goods market has reached a tipping point, driven by the sector’s reliance on branded merchandise and its broader availability in competing channels such as online and big-box general merchandise retailers.

Having participated in nearly every major industry disposition event, we understand the factors driving asset values and long-term business success to help support clients at all points in their growth cycle.


of assets sold




valuations completed in the sporting goods sector

2 of 3

of the top sporting goods stores supported

Featured Clients

Featured Professionals


Mark Dufton

Senior Advisor, Real Estate

Becky Goldfarb

Managing Director, Retail Valuations

Eric Livesey

Director, Valuations

Peter Wilhelm

Director, Global Valuations

Europe, Middle East & Africa

Olaf Galler

Senior Managing Director, Head of Europe Retail

Frank Morton

Chief Investment Officer

Nimit Shah

Managing Director

Asia Pacific

Brendan Smyth

Senior Director, Valuations