Books, Music & Video Games

With the prominence of digital media, the sector is evolving as operators adjust their inventory mix, adopt new offerings and right-size store footprints.

Gordon Brothers offers our clients direct, hands-on expertise.

Our firm has participated in some of the industry’s largest dispositions and helped many retailers scale for sustainable growth.


of assets sold




managed the industry’s largest disposition event

Featured Insights


Content Library Valuation Requires Review & Complex Considerations

Learn why valuing content libraries may involve a complex set of considerations.

Featured Clients

Featured Professionals


Ulos Anderson

Senior Managing Director, Commercial & Industrial

Sondra Yee

Managing Director, Retail

Rose Coyman

Managing Director, Consumer Product Valuations

Becky Goldfarb

Managing Director, Retail Valuations

Europe, Middle East & Africa

Nimit Shah

Managing Director

Asia Pacific

Brendan Smyth

Senior Director, Valuations